6 Healthy Habits that Keep You Well in the Cooler Fall Weather

6 Healthy Habits that Keep You Well in the Cooler Fall Weather

Posted by Medical content reviewed by Dr. Steven Salzman, Chief Medical Officer, and Dr. George Gavrilos, Chief Pharmacy Officer, Green Care Medical on Oct 21st 2021

Relaxing around the campfire. Sipping warm apple cider. Snuggling under a blanket. Breathing the crisp air. Fall is filled with moments that uniquely etch their way into memories. But when you’re not prepared, autumn can also be filled with colds and other illnesses as the weather changes and people bring their social gatherings inside.

If you want to get the most out of your autumn, work on these healthy habits to increase your chance of staying well.

Stay Hydrated

During the heat of summer, when the sun is bright, the temperature is high, and the sweat is pouring off you, the motivation to stay hydrated is easy. Yet when the days turn cooler and the leaves start to fall, drinking water often loses its appeal. That’s why staying hydrated tops the list of healthy habits for fall.

Drinking 100 ounces of water a day ensures your body will be optimized to ward off ordinary illnesses like the common cold and minimize the likelihood of other symptoms of dehydration, including headaches, mood swings, and difficulty concentrating. Do you struggle with drinking water? Try increasing the number of fruits and veggies you consume, as their high water content will serve as an extra boost of hydration.

Eat Seasonal Foods

Seasonal fruits and vegetables contain more nutrients than their off-season cousins and often give your body exactly what it needs for the season ahead. Eating foods that are in season is an easy practice to help you be your healthiest.

For instance, fall and winter veggies are rich in vitamin C, which boosts the body’s immune system and helps defend against colds and flu. Load up on nutrient-dense, fall favorites like brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, and cauliflower to reap the health benefits they provide!

Exercise Right

The shorter days and longer nights can make our time feel more limited. Make sure to prioritize exercise this fall by finding activities that you love such as yoga, swimming, weightlifting, or running. Moving your body for at least 30 minutes most days is one of the most important healthy habits you can adopt.

Rest is equally as important as movement. As the autumn days remind us all to slow down, take time for exercise recovery to let your body heal and recharge after strenuous workouts.

Sleep Well

Sleep is essential for your well-being. Developing a healthy habit of getting at least eight hours of rest a night can improve every area of your life, including your energy levels and mental fitness.

To make your sleep the best it can be, practice good sleep hygiene like going to bed around the same time each evening, turning off all electronics at least one hour before bed, and making your room as dark as possible. If you still struggle to get a solid night of rest, consider taking a full-spectrum CBD like Green Care Medical’s Sleep Formula to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Be Grateful

Fall brings about feelings of nostalgia, making it the perfect time to reflect and be grateful. Giving thanks for the good things in your life can have physiological and psychological benefits. For instance, those who practice gratitude have lower blood pressure, a stronger immune system, and experience better sleep than those who don’t.

If you want to be more grateful, consider starting a daily gratitude journal, telling others how thankful you are for them, or practicing gratitude-focused meditation.

Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is a powerful healthy habit to incorporate into your daily life. Simplistically, mindfulness can be thought of as paying attention closely to each moment. Practicing mindfulness tends to reduce rumination. Activities like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga facilitate mindfulness. Increasing your mindfulness can reduce stress, improve mood, and even boost the immune system, which is exactly what people need heading into the holiday season.

If the concept of mindfulness is new to you, simply try sitting with your eyes closed and focusing on everything you notice about your breath. Concentrate on the moment each breath begins and ends. In a way, this concentration practice distracts from all the other sights and sounds that normally inundate you. This technique tends to produce a calming effect, allowing for focus and reflection.

Let Green Care Medical Help You Be Your Best This Fall

As the seasons change, let Green Care Medical help you become your happiest and healthiest self. From our seed-to-sale philosophy to our focus on patient wellness, we always have your best interest in mind. Check out our About Page to learn more about Green Care Medical and the full-spectrum CBD products we offer.